鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw



HSU Chia-Wei


Marshal Tie Jia: Jingsi Village
2013, single-channel video, 10'00"

許家維對於亞洲冷戰時期被遺忘的歷史有著濃厚的研究興趣,擅長透過電影語言、小說敘事、藝術裝置以及其他的媒材來建構出多元的觀看角度,以此聯結、橋接歷史和現代性之間的脈絡。《鐵甲元帥》創作系列源於藝術家和蛙神「鐵甲元帥」之間的對話;鐵甲元帥原為武夷山的神祇,後因國共內戰而輾轉流落到馬祖北竿的龜島,為了完成在龜島的拍攝計劃,許家維展開了和元帥之間的「對話」。《鐵甲元帥:靖思村》為《鐵甲元帥》創作系列的第二階段創作,尋訪了鐵甲元帥出生的池塘,並邀請了和蛙神信仰有相同根源、但卻於文革時期遭禁的儺舞戲班,與當地村民共同在池塘上重現遠古的驅魔儀式。 HSU Chia-Wei has keen interests in the forgotten history during the Cold War in Asia, skilled in weaving multiple view angles with film languages, fiction narratives, installations, and other materials, so as to connect and bridge the threads between history and modernity. The creative series of "Marshal Tie Jia" derives from the conversation between the artist and the frog deity Marshal Tie Jia, originally a god of Wuyi Mountains that eventually is exiled onto Turtle Island of Beigan, Mazhu due to the civil war in China. In order to finish the filming project on Turtle Island, HSU has a "conversation" with Marshal. "Marshal Tie Jua: Jingsi Village" is an artwork of phase II. The artist went to the pond where Marshal Tie Jia was born, inviting villagers and a "Nuo Dance" group that shares the same root with the frog deity and yet was banned during the Cultural Revolution in China to perform together the ancient exorcism ritual on the pond once again.